Listen to English Radio Online - An online marketplace for language tutors


Listen to English Radio Online

Listen to English-language radio or television right on your computer, tablet or smartphone—perfect for intermediate-advanced listening practice. From this very page you can get instant access to English-language radio and TV programmes wherever you are in the world, without a radio or TV.

In fact, you can google for “english radio” or “english tv” anytime to find online radio/TV stations to listen to. You will find hundreds if not thousands of links. On this page English Club recommends links for English learners to get you started. is not a radio station but a website through which you can listen direct to radio stations. Here are a few examples:


BBC (British Broadcastic Corporation) is the British state broadcaster presenting news and current affairs in English 24/7 in British English and various other accents.


VOA (Voice of America) offers news coverage spoken in simple American English with a core vocabulary of 1500 words.


NPR is a network of radio stations across the USA with a talk-based format mostly in American English.


RT (formerly Russia Today) presents news events, discussion, interviews and analysis in English with a variety of accents.


PressTV is the English-language news service from IRIB (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) in various accents.

  • Press TV
    Watch (some with transcripts)

Al Jazeera English

Al Jazeera English (AJE) is an English-language news and current affairs TV channel based in Doha, Qatar. Various accents.

broadcast (verb): transmit a programme by radio or TV

buffering (verb): downloading audio/video in preparation for play

live (adjective): being broadcast right now; happening now

on-air (adjective): broadcasting now

streaming (adjective/verb): relating to audio/video being transmitted as a steady, continuous flow

subtitles (noun): words written on a video screen to show what the speaker is saying (subtitles, or subs, may be in the same language as the sound or translated into a different language).

transcript (noun): written version of what you hear on audio/video