1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context
- 1000 phrasal verbs listed alphabetically for quick and easy reference
- 2000 example sentences (2 sentences for each phrasal verb)
- Read the sentence, get the meaning, check your understanding
- Grammar notes, usage tips and related phrasal verbs
- Spaces to write your own notes and examples
- Suitable for self-study at home or classroom use
- Links to hundreds of exercises, quizzes and fun interactive games
- Plus! 1000 phrasal verb quiz questions (with answers)
Each phrasal verb is presented in its own table, and each table has:
- two example sentences, one with the phrasal verb colour-highlighted
- patterns of usage (e.g. ‘chop up sth’ / ‘chop sth up’)
- references to related phrasal verbs
- space to write your own example sentence
- space to write your own notes
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